Saturday just gone involved a trip down to East Sussex to take Cody to her new home. After months of deliberations I came to the conclusion that she needed a home that could look after her without any doubts so off to Tim's we went.
Cody is 6 this year and I wanted her to have pups before it was too late, unfortunately I could not cater for this as work would get in the way, doesn't it always, plus as it is a one man house there would be no one around during the working week to look after pups etc.
It is a big heart wrench to give a dog away, it was not a nice drive home at all and the house seems a lot quieter without her.
I do hope that at some stage she is able to have pups as I would love to have one of her off spring as do need a trained up gun dog to replace Charlie who has retired from the front line. He even struggles now on a decent walk. It would be a great pleasure to train one of her pups so fingers crossed.
Here's to Cody.