Thursday, 24 May 2012

Ziess Bino's

Real long shot this one! Getting a little fed up with clients that turn up with bino's that put my set to shame, even though good in good light conditions they suffer with light gathering when the conditions are darker ie first thing in morning as sun breaking or evening as the day light dims. Anyway if, and it's a big IF, some one has a top quality set of bino's from Zeiss or equivalent make and would like to trade against some work that I can do then please let me know....

Client Buck

Andy, from the Isle of Wight, took this Roe buck on Tuesday evening. We first started on the Sedge Bed fields but soon moved off due to the presence of a herd of cows (incorrect info supplied). Plan B was onto the Worthy Park silage field where plenty of slots shown but after an hour's wait nothing showed. Always a bit wary re deer and a freshly (within a couple of days) muck spread field, please correct me if wrong but get the feeling that the deer won't use a field that is covered in cow crap. Probably just answered my own question, if they won't use the same field as when cows on then why would they with cow crap on and stinking of cows! Plan C next, time against us with the dimming daylight hours. A quick drive to the other side of the farm and after some cunning planning and stalking Andy got in a position to take a shot from sticks. 

New Forest Ponies

Picture taken about two weeks ago, one of the first youngsters this year. One day will invest in a good slr camera.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Client Buck 12th May 2012

First client Roe Buck of the 2012 season taken on the 12th May 2012. Client first started on one the high seats for approx an hour whilst I sat underneath with the dog, wind wasn't really in our favour so it was stalk around the field. Sods law prevailed as we got to the opposite side of the field to the original high seat the deer ventured out under the seat. No point in doubling back as the wind was against us so proceeded around the whole field. Another buck was bumped on way round but eventually glassed this buck laying up at the end of the game strip hedge. Client crawled another 40 yards and waited until a humane shot could be taken.