Monday 19 May 2008

Saturday 17th May 2008. Work Party.

Stephen, Kevin and Keith along with his wife and son plus myself attended the second work day on the shoot. As you can see from the photo's two wind breaks were installed in the Worthy Park pen, kindly modelled by Charlie and Cody. The breaks were built on either side of the pen offering the birds some relief from any wind on each direction. It will also allow under cover feeding stations.

The materials were salvage from the old pen site plus a few posts from the farm yard.

Work started approx 9.30am and finished by 2.00pm. Once the weed killer has been applied to the fencing and killed off the green stuff we will be able to complete the additional work required before the birds arrive i.e. two more pop holes to be installed, electric fence check etc etc.

I have suggested that two work parties dates to be arranged for June thus allowing work on the other pens to be completed in time prior to the arrival of the birds which I believe begins in July.

Martin has six feed hoppers now at his garage to overhaul which were collected yesterday.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Roe Buck taken yesterday, 4th May 2008. My first!
Full report in previous report.

Another 'At Long Last'

After 18 months on the stalking attemps success was at long last acheived with a young buck still in velvet. He was shot a approx 8.30am yesterday morning just after the rain had stopped.
I had got to the farm at 5.30am and sat in the car waiting for the rain to clear which was forecasted to stop at 6am. After waiting for an hour the rain continued so the car seat went back and a few zzz's caught up with. Came to just before 8am and still it rained so decided after coffee and a chocalate breakfast to try my luck anyway.
As approaching along Beachwood Shore and beyond onto the hedgerow leading away from the tree's the buck was spotted laying up. I am sure that he knew that I was there but this did not seem to annoy him in the slightest. After closing the gap to approx 75 yards I set up the rifle waiting for him to get up. This took some time even after making one or two unnatural sounds to encourage him. It appeared as though nothing was going to disturb the beast until at last he stood up, broad side on, shook his coat to rid himself of the rain and met the 100 grain .243.
I was mighty relieved to see him virtually drop on the spot, the bullet strike was a little further back than I would of liked, but the exit wound was spot on so the bullet had done the job and gone through the engine room.
As this was my first deer it was also my first gralloch. After watching the BDS dvd on the method the previous night for the tenth time I hope I did not make a mess of things. I am awaiting Roger's verdict when he collects the beast from the roe safe so fingers crossed.
Now also looking forward to hanging the trophy on the lounge wall, even though he was only a youngster he was my first and therefore will always be remember for being in the right place at the right time and for that I am eternally grateful. May his soul chase a thousand doe's.