Sunday 23 May 2010

April Wood Buck

Took this buck at 5.30am on Saturday morning from a small wood next door to the farm. The owners wanted to keep the damage down on the young tree's that they have growing there. A high seat went up last Saturday in readiness but proved not needed. I thought the game was up as soon as I glanced down each side of the block only for the buck to start barking somewhere in the middle of the plantation. I backed off and took a long walk around a field to let him settle down.
At the bottom of the wood I followed the fence up 20 yards until a suitable access point reached. Got over the fence without too much fuss and proceeded towards the location of the high seat. 20 pace's later the buck takes homage to my presence and starts to bark again only this time within sight. Far from taking the quickest route away from me, he doubled back to defend his wood, at which point once from behind a shrub he emerged he was duly dropped on the spot.

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